Shawn And Mimi

Mimi agreed, believing that Belle and Shawn's child would bring the soulmates together again, but Belle and Shawn were determined to keep the baby. When Shawn's half-sister and troubled teen, Chelsea Benson, was serving her community service (sentenced for causing the accident that killed her brother Zack) at University Hospital, she. Mimi was the best friend of Belle Black, and they had known each other since kindergarten. Mimi had a big crush on nice guy, Shawn Brady, who seemed more interested in Belle. When the time came for the Last Blast Dance, Mimi actually got down on bended knees in the halls of Salem High, to beg Shawn. New owner, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 436 likes 1 talking about this 393 were here. Walk in welcome. Best by appointment.

Shawn And Mimi


After sharing a passionate night together, Shawn and Mimi start secreting seeing each other underneath everyone noses. Will they ever get caught? What will happen when Mimi finds out she is expecting triplets after beginning told she can never have kids. Will her and babies be in danger. Belle and Philip are still together until he sees what kind of person she really is and divorces her a eventually leads to a Philip/Stephanie and Max/Chelsea hookups. And a tangled Gabi/Stefan/Jake/Chloe/Gwen mess! Lots of Bella Bashing.


Mimi Lockhart: Farah Fath


Shawn And Michael

Shawn Douglas: Jason Cook

Belle Black: Martha Madison

Philip Kiriakis: Jay Kenneth Johnson

Stephanie Johnson: Shelly Henning

Max Brady: Darin Brooks

Chelsea Brady: Rachel Melvins

Gabi Hernandez-DiMera: Camila Banus

Jake Lambert: Brandon Barash

Gwen Davies: Emily O’Brien

Chloe Lane: Nadia Bjorlin

Chapter 1

Shawn and Mimi start seeing each other secretly as Shawn’s ex, Belle Black Kiriakis, is unhappy with seeing Shawn and Mimi move on together. But a shocking discovery will complicate the Shawn/Mimi/Belle triangle…

Philip Kiriakis, unhappy with his wife’s, Belle, behavior toward Shawn’s flirtations with Mimi Lockhart, starts an online relationship with someone new, unaware that its’ really Stephanie Johnson, Steve and Kayla’s daughter.

Now that Gabi has been cleared of drugging Abigail DIMera, she continues her pursuit in proving Jake Lambert is really her not-so-dead husband, Stefan. But a tangled mess results when Jake is still drawn to his ex-girlfriend, Gwen Davies. And to complicate matters, Chloe Lane returns to Salem and is shocked to see Jake’s resemblance to Stefan DiMera.

And Max Brady and Chelsea Brady arrive in Salem with news of their own….

A hole opened up into the real world and Shawn and Mimi hurtled toward it. On the far side stood what looked like a yellow kitchen sponge wearing brown pants and a tie. Mimi and Shawn exchanged a look of disbelief.

'What on earth is that?' the sponge exclaimed, pointing toward the hole and them inside it.

A pink starfish appeared. 'Ooooooo - pretty...' it said.

A squirrel, improbably wearing an upside-down goldfish bowl on its head, took one look and stated quite definitely, in a Texas accent heavy enough to drive spikes through bricks, 'Whatever it is, it ain't natural!'

'Aiiee-ya!' shouted the squirrel and slammed a karate kick at the enlarging hole of numbers.Which promptly collapsed, leaving Shawn and Mimi inside.

So they didn't fall through into that reality, but went somewhere else instead.

Shawn And Mimi

They seemed to have been doomed to come out underwater - the hole reopened and spit them out through something that looked extremely like a laundry chute onto the floor of a submarine. It was yellow, and it appeared to be abandoned, but it was definitely going somewhere...

Shawn looked out of a porthole. A marching band in turquoise and shocking pink uniforms was parading along the sea floor behind a drum majorette dressed in mirrors. It was from the reflections on her outfit that Shawn discovered the submarine was yellow.

Going the other way was a neon fish - a real neon fish whose sides flashed ads for restaurants and upcoming events.

Suddenly streaking past the sub in a classic Superman pose was a vision in lime green tights and a fuchsia and electric blue cape. Sparkling stars trailed in his wake as he aimed directly for a huge jeweled cork rammed into a cliffside rising from the sea floor. He hit it full tilt, causing the cork to give way and pop through, and the ocean began to drain into the hole that was left behind.

The submarine drifted slowly but inexorably toward the hole, which had the usual ones and zeros, but instead of the common black and white, these were in rainbow colors and a variety of constantly shifting shapes, and they pulsed to their own hidden rhythm. And Shawn and Mimi once again fell though to a different reality in the wake of Psychedelic-man.

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