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The Americas Cardroom Store is the exclusive home of all things branded Americas Cardroom. With hats, sweaters, jerseys and more, we’ve got what you’re looking for. With the click of a button, we’ll have you wearing the official merchandise of the fastest-growing poker site in the world. Here is a list of freerolls and codes to participate in them from all the most popular poker rooms: PokerStars, 888poker, PartyPoker, PokerDom, RedStar, Coral, Americas Cardroom and others. Some passwords are known immediately as a tournament appears in the lobby, others are published a day/a couple of hours/a couple of minutes before the event. Americas Cardroom or ACR takes an important place in the pantheon of online poker sites in the USA. In fact, as far as real money poker options and the poker community go, the Winning Poker Network on which Americas Cardroom is based is the second-largest in the US. ACR has a very strong focus on the American market and this is by design.

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica,Jan. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --Americas Cardroom today announced that it has published aninformative article about the Twitch poker scene on its website.'What You Need to Know About Twitch Poker' is the 7th installmentin the US-facing cardroom's definitive series of essential pokerarticles.
Americas Cardroom's freshly published article serves as both anintroduction to the world of poker on Twitch and a practical guideto harnessing the popular streaming service for profit. It's also avaluable resource to webmasters looking for relevant, informativeand engaging content for their readers.
'Although poker content on Twitch is booming, it still isn'ttop-of-mind for most online poker players. There's amisconception, especially among older players, that Twitch is forgames like League of Legends, Fortnite, Grand Theft Auto, Call ofDuty, and Counter Strike. Yet the streaming site is a perfectmatch for poker players,' stated Americas Cardroom spokespersonMichael Harris. 'Our articleclears up some of the Twitch misconceptions, explores the types ofpoker content available on it, introduces players to the concept ofcontent creation, and explains how players can cash in on thetrend.'
The article begins by introducing the streaming service andexamining how Twitch and poker are complementary. Readerslearn that Twitch isn't just convenient, it's a poker goldmine thatgives fans access to everything from tutorials and discussions ofthe game to livestreams of huge tourneys.
After the reader learns about the benefits of Twitch, thearticle describes how to become a poker streamer in five simplesteps. With easy-to-follow instructions, even absolutenovices can become part of Twitch's online poker community andstart streaming their own play in a matter of minutes. Would-be streamers will also learn about the sorts of gear they'llneed to thrive online.
Once readers are acquainted with the basics, they'll learn howTwitch streamers make money. The article even spells out howto become a Twitch affiliate and earn coveted partner status on theplatform before it delves into other monetizing strategies. Itconcludes by answering seven frequently asked questions that everyplayer will want to know the answers to.
For the full article,

About Americas Cardroom
Americas Cardroom joined theWinning Poker Network in 2011. The Winning Poker Network has beendealing cards since 2001 and continues to be one of the mosttrusted names in the industry. Rated first place for paymentprocessing and cashout reliability repeatedly over the last fewyears, Americas Cardroom offers outstanding customer service and afriendly environment for all poker players around the world.
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Katherine Morera
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